"Public & private sector collaboration for a bright future: on trust and…

We've just paid an invoice, with its VAT, in cryptocurrency !

For the first time, we've just paid an invoice, with its VAT, in cryptocurrency…

Formation ADBS

Les inscriptions à la formation ADBS "Initiation à la technologie blockchain",…

A closer look into corporate baking on Tezos

Take 5 min to read this very good article by William McKenzie, for which i had…

Football & Blockchain: what's up?

Football + Blockchain, et plus largement Sport & Blockchain, quoi de…

Sword France strategy regarding Blockchain : the interview

I had the great pleasure to be interviewed by the Havas Blockchain team about…

Sword France, baker coprorate sur Tezos !

Nous sommes très fiers d'avoir su accompagner notre partenaire Sword France…

TezTalks Podcast : Alain Broustail as a special guest

On Thursday 15th, Alain Broustail was the special guest of the Tez Talk…